Monday, August 17, 2009

Wiktastic !

A Wiki is a website that has many many functions, and allows for a broad array of communication. It also allows users to create and edit WebPages for many different uses. It is different from a BlogSpot in the way that it is not just about one person. A BlogSpot focuses on one person who posts different articles about whatever they wish. A Wiki on the other hand can be created by a number of writers. This allows for an extraordinary use. It allows a number of people to communicate and organise a certain something at the same time. It is exceptional for cooperation and collaboration. This huge diversity means (especially for learners at all levels and stages) that a great deal of exploring and discovering will take place.
In the classroom, a wiki can be used very effectively. What is great about them is the openness to all learners, regardless of their ability. Students can contribute as much or as little, and in whatever way or form they desire. It brings out the creativity of the students and a means of thinking ‘outside the square’. As the wiki contains many different elements (ie. home, discussions, videos, news, updates, members etc) student are given an array of different areas to contribute. This links closely with theorist, Howard Gardner’s, idea of multiple intelligences within learning.
The following video is a great way to understand what a Wiki is, as explained in ‘plain English’. It uses a camping trip as an example (which many of us can relate to). Click away and have a sneak peak!


  1. WOW WOW WOW! That's a great post and a cool little vid to go with it. LOL at your photo :)

  2. Hi Vicki,
    I like the video you found about wikis. Who would have thought you could do soo much with a wiki??? I think your summary on what Wikis are and what they can be used for is spot on. If I wasn't in your class and read this I would definitely understand now!
    Good job :)

  3. Love the title victoria - wiktastic! :)
