Monday, September 14, 2009


Jing is an interesting piece of technology that I definitely have never heard of. It virtually is a print screen technology that allows you to capture anything on your computure at any time. After a photo capture, the possibilities are endless! Editing plays a large role in this innovation, and as you can see below, a piece of text can be edited as much as you like...

The features include a highlighting tool, an arrow tool and a text box which allows for all your editing desires! What I liked most about this concept was that this techonology is in a digital form, so sending in various ways is easy. In saying this, teachers can easily send 'editing' documents to parents who may not have enough time to actually come into the classroom and talk one-on-one with the teacher. It can give good insight into what their child needs improvement on.

Along the same lines of parent information - Jing allows short videos to be taken and then sent to whoever is interested. This means teachers can create videos of a homework schedual or a definition of a particular assignment.

In saying all this, I do believe that this innovation needs to be carefully thought out about before an integration into the classroom occurs. I found it can be 'fiddly' and time consuming, with results that do not inspire me, personally. I would probably not use Jing as a teacher as I find it unreliable - could not upload a video successfully for this blogspot in fact! However, it could be used for high school student instead.

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